The Society & Membership

Whatever your interest in the railways of France, it makes sense to join the French Railways Society. The enthusiasts who run it will do their best to see that you get maximum benefit from your subscription. Although we have a relaxed aproach to formal matters the Society has a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor and other officers who have been co-opted to these positions by their contribution to the Society and willingness to develop it for the future. The annual subscription runs from January 1st. New members receive issues of the Journal beginning with that for March of the current year. If you join after September, your subscription will run through to the end of the following year.
Joining the Society
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By Internet/Bank Transfer - please transfer the appropriate amount and add your postcode to your bank's details box when making your transfer. Account: The French Railways Society; Sort code 40-40-25 Account number 91402862
International Bank transfer IBAN: GB76HBUK40402591402862 BIC: HBUKGB4153F
Payment by cheque should be sent to: Roger Allen, 57 Broomhill Rd, ORPINGTON, Kent, BR6 0EN England
In Euros – payment may be made by internet banking or by French bank cheque – details on request
PayPal (on request)
United Kingdom: Journal by post £18
Europe: Journal by post £28
Non-European: Journal by post £35
Foreign (non UK): Electronic Journal £18
MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS If you are an existing member please click on 'renewal' below
For enquiries relating to the Society and this website please use the contact form and details available via this link